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RFP Pointers and Payton Hoskins have teamed up to offer you a training opportunity that is very hard to come by.


Payton is an Orvis/Beretta endorsed wing-shooting guide at the Highland Hills Ranch in eastern Oregon. He offers advanced gun-dog training.


Gun-dog training is a 3 month experience that will introduce your dog to upland bird hunting. During this time your dog will be broke to gun fire, broke to point to the flush, broke to honor other pointing dogs, and broke to the retrieve. Highland Hills is one of the best places for young dogs because of the abundance of birds (6 species), other experienced dogs, and varying terrain. This process allows your dog to see it all and get a lifetime's worth of hunting in one season. Training available from September-March and transportation is available to any state. 


If your Pup/Dog is purchased from RFP Pointers you will get $100 of your training with Payton. 


Payton Hoskins


14887 Mount View Dr.

Condon, OR 97823




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